Genetically Altered - Jason Vorhees, Killer Series No.1

After recently posting a Jason Vorhees Mask as an Accessory for Genetically Altered, a friend of mine suggested to do the full custom.  I thought about the idea, then decided, I want to do a few others & they all seem to have a theme, so the "Killer Series" begins.

No.1 is Jason Vorhees, from "Friday the 13th" Movies.  The reason I did Jason 1st, he is 1 of the most popular icons of recent Horror Movie Killers.
While humming "The man behind the mask" by Alice Cooper & making random "Ch ch ch, Ah ah ah" sounds, I managed to produce my most detailed custom so far.  Time has always been an issue & not having a lot to experiment, it's taken me a while to get to this point, but the learning curve has taken a steep rise recently & I understand the in's & out's of Illustrator a whole lot better than I used to.

Killer Series - well as I said, I'm starting this series with Jason, but look out for Pinhead from the Hellraiser Movies, & an old favourite of mine Baron Samedi from Voodoo lore, & an appearance in "Live & Let Die" the James Bond Movie.  I will have to come up with a couple more also, so definitely sign up by email on the blog so you can be the 1st to get them.

Download Killer series No.1, Jason Vorhees Here

Enjoy as always, & keep visiting me :)

Vector - Tribal Tattoo's

These are some of the designs I did for Car Tattoo's years ago.  I've been using them as practice for Illustrator.  It's really good experience using the Pen Tool for tracing, & any problems I encounter, it forces me to find the answer.  I've learned a lot by doing just these 3 designs.  I hope you enjoy them.

These are .png Images, you can click on them to get the full size version & Right Click to Save.

The .ai Vectors are available for Download from my deviantART Gallery

If you're looking for inspiration for a colored image for a Car Decal, or to be transformed into a Tattoo, check out the Killer Snake I did.

Use them however you wish, but email me some pictures using the Contact Tab on this Blog.

Friday the 13th - Jason Vorhees Mask & Dagger

This is a customised Accessory for Genetically Altered, but it looks pretty cool on it's own.

While I was creating the blank version for the upcoming collection of Extra Parts for Altered, I couldn't resist trying a custom myself.  The Mask template can be used for any type of custom, like a Predator Mask for example, but when I made the shape, I had Jason Vorhees in mind.

I hit a few hiccups along the way which took a bit of "How to do" type searching on the internet for tutorials, but it got finished, & here is my paper version on the Iconic Hockey Mask.  As you will see, I also added the Knife.  So, grab yourself a blank Genetically Altered, and jazz it up with a bit of Gruesome goodness.
 Just click the Image for the full-size version, & Right Click to Save.

The Blank has been added to a six page pack currently W.i.P of Parts & Accessories.  I will do a PDF of the blanks to print & build.  Plus, i'm going to add the .ai & .eps file for easier customising.  Keep checking back, as i'm adding stuff all the time for Genetically Altered.

Full on customs are in the pipeline.  all along the same gruesome theme.  Im going to finish Jason, plus I plan to do Pinhead from Hellraiser, & of course the Archetype Witchdoctor.

Genetically Altered - Blank 14" Mutant Version

Last month I posted a version on this toy that was 14" Tall & had a Camoflage skin.  I didn't have the blank ready though, because I had already decided I was going to change a few things on the template.  After re-doing the template as the standard size, now the Mutant Version is available.

Standing at just over 14 Inches Tall, this is such a cool toy to see built.  As a bonus, it will stand perfectly on the Paper Skateboard, which you can also download if you haven't already.  Get the Blank Board Here or the Crush Custom Board Here.

I have a custom in mind for this already.  How long it will take me to do is another matter, but it will be worked on.  I am currently going through all the accessories for the Standard Version, and creating .ai templates for them so they can be customised.  Once that is done, I can work our the scale difference & make them for this template.  So accessories will come.

Download your own Blank Genetically Altered 14" Mutant Here

SA Funakoshi Gashuku 2011 Penguin Pictures

A short while ago I posted a Penguin Papertoy for the local Gordon's Bay Funakoshi club, to build during their Gashuku in early May this year.  All the members were given a copy of the template to build as team excercise.  Here are some pictures of them having fun with it.

I'm currently working on something for their Trip to Germany at the end of June.